Well. After a very enlightening and educational trip, we’ve decided to come back to Fort Lauderdale and start slowly heading north. We’ve had a series of things come up that are preventing us from comfortably moving forward, even further down the Keys. We still both have colds, and have just decided that we are ready to head back. We’ll take our time and enjoy the trip home. Marcus can fill in on the shenanigans. 🙂
We were able to see our friends from Longmont, very briefly for dinner while in Key Biscayne, and that was nice. On the way back to Fort Lauderdale, we went out a little ways to catch the Gulf Stream. The color of the water along the coast of Florida is beautiful. Almost a glowing teal color that the pictures don’t always capture. The Gulf Stream is a darker blue and so you can see the color differences in the photos and just the range of blues. Really amazing. We stopped at Quarter Deck for lunch today and had a well deserved Key Lime Pie dessert.
We’ll likely stay in Fort Lauderdale through at least Wednesday and we’ll see what the weather is doing later this week to head back North.

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