Category: The Latest

  • Type 2 Fun

    Type 2 Fun


    Lorena always claims I’m not having fun while we’re out doing stuff and I am, all the time, but a lot of the time it’s type 2 fun. Type 1 fun is fun while you’re doing it. Eating cake, playing games (not monopoly), riding bicycles, etc. Type 2 fun is not fun while you’re doing…

  • Sailing Starlight – The dream versus the reality

    Marcus has wanted to sail to the Bahamas since we met. He would tell me stories about his friend Steffi and how they met in the 90’s in a sailing chat channel in irc and met a lot of great people and learned a ton about sailing. Marcus has spent years thinking about, dreaming about,and…

  • Back in Fort Lauderdale – 03/08/2025

    Well. After a very enlightening and educational trip, we’ve decided to come back to Fort Lauderdale and start slowly heading north. We’ve had a series of things come up that are preventing us from comfortably moving forward, even further down the Keys. We still both have colds, and have just decided that we are ready…

  • Key Biscayne – 03/01/2025

    We made it down to Key Biscayne today and anchored right outside of No Name Harbor. We left around 9:30 am from Fort Lauderdale, and arrived around 3:30pm. We had to motor today as there was no wind at all. Even without the wind, it was a lovely day out. We are glad to be…

  • Quick Update:  Still in Fort Lauderdale thru Sat.

    2nd Update: Our friend in Ft. Lauderdale is having some troubles this morning, Fri, 02/28 and Marcus is able to help get it sorted out, so we’ll be staying another day and now leaving on Saturday. 😀 We got to Fort Lauderdale on Saturday, 02/22/25 and have been visiting a friend here. We have been…

  • Day 2 – 02/22/2025

    We made it to Fort Lauderdale today! Today did not quite go as we expected it to. When we left at 8:30am this morning, we got out of the inlet but when we went to raise the mainsail, there was a problem. We talked about motoring, but in the end, we turned around, went back…

  • We are doing it!  1st Day 02/21/2025

    Today’s highlights We departed Stuart, FL, at approximately 9:30 AM this morning. The wind was blowing 25 to 30 knots from the north, and the seas were 6 feet with 5-second intervals with a small watercraft advisory in place. Due to the conditions, we opted to motor down the ICW. We arrived in West Palm…